Unioverse Hoverdrome Preview Tourney 1

Wyeth Ridgway
July 23, 2024

Welcome champions of the Unioverse! Our fast-action multiplayer game the Hoverdrome is in alpha preview on Windows PC. This game combines themes from Mario Kart and Rocket League, and will melt your video card with its AAA graphics. In the coming months we will be adding new features to it based on your feedback. To make this fun, we will hold a series of FREE-to-play tournaments with big prizes!

Please check back here often as this page will update.

If you haven’t played yet, check out our new teaser below:

Prize Pool


  • $15,000 split among the top 16 players in the Finals, courtesy of our sponsor GSR
  • 300,000 $UNIO prize pool (claimable at TGE)
  • All finalists get to create a rare hoverbike
  • Unioverse Gamer Tags to all Finalists
  • Special Hero Metadata awards to all Finalists


  • Tor Gret whitelist for all participants in the Open Qualifier
  • Tier 3 Unioverse collectible tournament badge to the top 50 players on the Qualifier final board.
  • 3x Protens awarded PER GAME for all Qualifier games played. Learn how Protens can be converted to $UNIO at TGE here.

How to Enter

  • Everyone can enter the tournament for free, you do not need a Unioverse hero.
  • You can download the Hoverdrome and practice solo right now. Please verify you have a Windows PC with the minimum requirements.
  • If you own a hero you can participate in additional tests throughout the day. Join us in Discord.
  • Please make sure to set your Unioverse email so we can notify you of tournament status and prizes.

Open Qualifer

Next week we will have an Open Qualifier as a series of 1-hour Qualifier Events where you will compete in as many 4-minute games as you can. During open qualifier events you do not need to own a Unioverse hero to compete.

Anyone can participate, FREE. You do not need to participate in more than one, but can enter as many as you want.

During a Qualifier Event you accumulate points as follows:

  • Winner: 9 Points
  • Second Place: 4 Points
  • Third: 2 Points
  • Fourth: 1 Point

During the event, the leaderboard will show the standings for the current Qualifier Event.

At the end of the week we will take each player’s personal best from all the Qualifier Events they participated in, and make a Final Leaderboard. The top 32 from the Final Leaderboard will be invited to the Live Final Event as described below.

Players will be able to see the current standings throughout the week.

If you are in the top 50 you must signup at communitygaming.io and link your Unioverse wallet, so we can contact you to participate in the finals.

Qualifier 1 Results (July 29th) Top 50
Rank Score Wallet Name
1 108 0xac5f…6d08
2 90 0xc021…a839
3 82 0xe61c…5920
4 77 0xcd58…8ae6
5 76* 0x06e7…04df
6 76 0xd26a…e8fb
7 75 0xcad3…cdc3
8 72 0x7c6c…c589
9 71 0x8f21…d833
10 68 0xacc8…6a68
11 64 0x510c…c4e8
12 62 0x1f33…4f6f
13 61 0xc235…6239
14 61 0xf2a5…aa7e
15 56 0x34ee…8f2c
16 55 0x94b8…3244
17 55 0x78ca…23c7
18 54 0x7c4c…2398
19 54 0xf2db…323d
20 54 0x4606…f6b2
21 53 0x8f85…dffb
22 52 0x45ec…7523
23 49 0xc755…8001
24 48 0xebdc…7dad
25 45 0x67ed…1a49
26 45 0x6ff6…9789
27 45 0xaa1b…e0a3
28 43 0x08dd…6ade
29 38 0x6b21…315f
30 36 0xbef1…3c32
31 36 0x4882…847a
32 35 0xff7e…055d
33 34 0x6ed9…7bed
34 33 0xf97a…0469
35 31 0x1099…6822
36 31 0x2bc8…6fed
37 30 0xefa4…4ce8
38 30 0xa9c1…40e9
39 30 0x22f6…85eb
40 29 0xf153…d621
41 29 0xc243…4dcd
42 29 0xefe5…a092
43 27 0xa583…7a75
44 27 0x9e5a…936a
45 25 0xee1a…07cd
46 25 0xf130…479f
47 25 0x0cef…6a61
48 25 0xd27c…606d
49 24 0x95f0…9885
50 24 0xc777…11ac
*Bugged, actual score was higher.
Qualifier 2 Results (July 30th) Top 50
Rank Score Wallet Name
1 112 0xac5f…6d08 Reserved44
2 80 0x8f85…dffb Tpo
3 78 0xacc8…6a68 MikMik_
4 76 0x08dd…6ade elian
5 75 0xebdc…7dad [SHRAP] Blackcoyote89
6 65 0x7c6c…c589 ClyFoul
7 61 0x5e84…d809 Zbuzheng
8 59 0xcd7c…d945 xLonsky
9 59 0x8f21…d833 SeniorTai
10 58 0x510c…c4e8 Layosh
11 57 0xf97a…0469 clownarabi
12 56 0xf2db…323d Champion
13 55 0xf130…479f 
14 55 0xcbc0…e0b1 
15 53 0x94b9…445c CROVVN
16 53 0xcad3…cdc3 Werbitum
17 51 0xc243…4dcd [SHRAP] Cptfive
18 50 0x8685…3e7a songyang
19 49 0xcd58…8ae6 HashPanda
20 48 0xd26a…e8fb Gellazka
21 47 0x48e8…8658 
22 45 0xff7e…055d Leviking
23 45 0x4606…f6b2 Only
24 44 0x7c4c…2398 Emptypencils
25 44 0x127f…db80 Milkman
26 42 0xa9ac…32f6 Astakerx
27 41 0xdf64…71b3 garmin
28 41 0xaa1b…e0a3 [SHRAP] RelaxedRPG
29 39 0x25f1…6f74 Nemesis
30 38 0x4e1c…a585 FatPanda_7
31 36 0xc9be…7259 Umbrita
32 36 0x2942…5e9a kratostuga
33 35 0x4e3a…5643 CardinaL
34 35 0x45ec…7523 LakeJesus
35 33 0xefe5…a092 Selphie
36 32 0x4c79…76c7 AnhLongDaDen
37 31 0x5861…24a5 [SHRAP] Sony.Vietnam
38 30 0xd27c…606d
39 30 0x3110…e432 Eldrazi
40 27 0xa9c1…40e9 Sigilich
41 27 0xbef1…3c32 [SHRAP] MikeBen
42 25 0x94b8…3244 
43 25 0xa583…7a75 100xCesar
44 25 0x5e9c…5fc8 Wasuresaseteyo
45 23 0x9e5a…936a MedevalFyre
46 22 0x1e54…bbf5 
47 20 0xf2a5…aa7e MENGQI
48 20 0xe01e…674c DTDFAM
49 20 0xee1a…07cd Crypto834
50 18 0x2bc8…6fed Kakashi
Qualifier 3 Results (July 31st) Top 50

Rank Score Wallet Name
1 108 0xac5f…6d08 Reserved44
2 103 0x5861…24a5 [SHRAP] Sony.Vietnam
3 99 0x8685…3e7a yangyangyang
4 93 0x8f85…dffb Tpro
5 89 0xebdc…7dad [SHRAP] Blackcoyote89
6 82 0xacc8…6a68 MikMik_
7 71 0x8f21…d833 SeniorTai
8 70 0x4e3a…5643 CardinaL
9 68 0xc243…4dcd [SHRAP] Cptfive
10 67 0xdf64…71b3 garmin
11 62 0x326f…a04b creepitz
12 61 0xa583…7a75 100xCesar
13 59 0xf130…479f 
14 58 0xcd7c…d945 xLonsky
15 55 0x1b9f…e5bd Arkham
16 54 0x4606…f6b2 Only
17 54 0x67ed…1a49 PSYQUI
18 53 0xbef1…3c32 [SHRAP] MikeBen
19 53 0xcbc0…e0b1 BIGDAVE.ai
20 52 0xcad3…cdc3 Werbitum
21 52 0x264c…0747 
22 51 0x9ea0…7391 [TRT] Questlog
23 50 0x48e8…8658 yourmart1n
24 49 0x45ec…7523 LakeJesus
25 48 0x127f…db80 Milkman
26 46 0xf97a…0469 clownarabi
27 44 0x0013…b399 Shmmm
28 44 0x9e5a…936a MedevalFyre
29 42 0xc9be…7259 Umbrita
30 41 0x013e…e2e0 Felter
31 38 0xff7e…055d Leviking
32 38 0xefe5…a092 Selphie
33 35 0x78ca…23c7 [KUVA] Killerkool
34 34 0x25f1…6f74 Nemesis
35 32 0x9faf…4e51 derfas
36 32 0x6ed9…7bed Fr33Fall
37 32 0x86d6…6229
38 32 0x94b8…3244
39 32 0xf5b6…8775 krytyq
40 30 0xba55…e011 JoshuaAdam
41 29 0x94b9…445c CROVVN
42 28 0x35da…6d7e
43 28 0x269a…1e0e Heeavyestudo
44 27 0xab6c…7524 Imbera
45 26 0x7c3a…e907 PhoenX
46 25 0xf2db…323d Champion
47 25 0xd707…1da0
48 24 0xa9c1…40e9 Sigilich
49 24 0xcca4…1ea3 [SHRAP] Demetaq
50 24 0xf2a5…aa7e mengmengmeng
Qualifier 4 Results (August 1st) Top 50
Rank Score Wallet Name
1 91 0x1348…9f22 
2 91 0xcad3…cdc3 Werbitum
3 85 0xf97a…0469 clownarabi
4 83 0xc235…6239 ext4nz
5 77 0x8f85…dffb [SHRAP] Daze
6 76 0x94b8…3244 
7 74 0x4e3a…5643 LakeJesus
8 72 0x45ec…7523 
9 71 0x84d1…7e70 TamTam
10 68 0x0013…b399 Shmmm
11 65 0x510c…c4e8 Layosh
12 65 0xf130…479f 
13 64 0xc9be…7259 Umbrita
14 64 0x34ee…8f2c Aegon
15 63 0xab6c…7524 Imbera
16 62 0x10d6…38fd Menoall
17 60 0x48e8…8658 yourmart1n
18 59 0xa9c1…40e9 Sigilich
19 58 0x25f1…6f74 Nemesis
20 57 0x7c3a…e907 PhoenX
21 56 0xcd7c…d945 xLonsky
22 56 0x7c4c…2398 Emptypencils
23 56 0xcbc0…e0b1 BIGDAVE.ai
24 55 0x7fc6…e662 TBYoder
25 54 0xacc8…6a68 puhweeettt
26 54 0xee1a…07cd Crypto834
27 52 0xebdc…7dad [SHRAP] Blackcoyote89
28 49 0xff7e…055d Leviking
29 49 0xa583…7a75 100xCesar
30 48 0x94b9…445c CROVVN
31 48 0xc243…4dcd [SHRAP] Cptfive
32 46 0x2942…5e9a kratostuga
33 44 0x08dd…6ade elian
34 43 0xcca4…1ea3 [SHRAP] Demetaq
35 39 0x269a…1e0e Heeavyestudo
36 39 0x67ed…1a49 PSYQUI
37 38 0xefe5…a092 Selphie
38 37 0x013e…e2e0 Felter
39 36 0x2772…757f yxungjes
40 35 0x4c79…76c7 AnhLongDaDen
41 33 0xbef1…3c32 [SHRAP] MikeBen
42 32 0x4882…847a Kazu
43 29 0xf2db…323d 
44 26 0x6ed9…7bed Fr33Fall
45 25 0x2bc8…6fed Kakashi
46 23 0x9faf…4e51 derfas
47 22 0xd707…1da0 
48 22 0xf2a5…aa7e mengmengmeng
49 21 0xb2dd…6d4b Abyzongg
50 21 0xe4b1…897a YeonJuice
Qualifier 5 Results (August 1st) Top 50
Rank Score Wallet Name
1 99 0x06e7…04df ximo
2 92 0xebdc…7dad [SHRAP] Blackcoyote89
3 91 0xd26a…e8fb Gellazka
4 81 0xcd58…8ae6 HashPanda
5 74 0xf130…479f
6 70 0xdf64…71b3 garmin
7 69 0x510c…c4e8 Layosh
8 69 0x08dd…6ade elian
9 66 0xf2a5…aa7e mengmengmeng
10 63 0xcd7c…d945 xLonsky
11 62 0x48e8…8658 yourmart1n
12 61 0x127f…db80 Milkman
13 60 0x45ec…7523 LakeJesus
14 55 0x4606…f6b2 Only
15 54 0xcad3…cdc3 Werbitum
16 54 0x25f1…6f74 Nemesis
17 53 0x34ee…8f2c Aegon
18 52 0xefe5…a092 Selphie
19 51 0x94b9…445c CROVVN
20 49 0xf153…d621 [TRT] CryptoCraig
21 47 0x6ed2…737c xBran
22 45 0x4e1c…a585 FatPanda_7
23 42 0xc243…4dcd [SHRAP] Cptfive
24 40 0x8f85…dffb [SHRAP] Daze
25 36 0xe01e…674c DTDFAM
26 36 0x269a…1e0e Heeavyestudo
27 36 0xbef1…3c32 [SHRAP] MikeBen
28 34 0x09a9…d3ba Luwiii
29 33 0x0263…e446 Crisille
30 33 0xf3be…c6e2 Jcluster
31 33 0x8f21…d833 SeniorTai
32 32 0x7307…0c66 YonOh
33 30 0x6ff6…9789 R3YU
34 30 0x9e5a…936a MedevalFyre
35 29 0x5e9c…5fc8 Wasuresaseteyo
36 27 0x0b51…38a8 m3sh
37 26 0xf2db…323d
38 25 0xdd33…d2e5 beifanghanbao
39 24 0x2942…5e9a kratostuga
40 24 0x4aab…2d96 Bradlyman
41 24 0x4e48…8d60
42 22 0xac5f…6d08 Unio
43 22 0xa880…6502 Mathiazo
44 21 0x6ed9…7bed GOLDIE
45 21 0x8c45…8344 Kasto
46 21 0x2759…10b4 Benny
47 17 0xcf58…9a09 Wingman
48 16 0x7d0a…3919 Captain_Atariman
49 16 0x0000…0000
50 16 0x6520…c981 R0CKY
Qualifier Final Results Top 50
Rank Score Name
1 103 [SHRAP] Sony.Vietnam
2 99 songyang
3 99 ximo
4 93 Tpro
5 92 [SHRAP] Blackcoyote89
6 91 0x1348…9f22
7 91 Werbitum
8 91 Gellazka
9 91 0xc021…a839
10 90 clownarabi
11 85 ext4nz
12 83 0xe61c…5920
13 82 MikMik_
14 82 HashPanda
15 81 elian
16 76 0x94b8…3244
17 76 CardinaL
18 74 0xf130…479f
19 74 ClyFoul
20 72 LakeJesus
21 72 SeniorTai
22 71 TaTaM
23 71 garmin
24 70 Layosh
25 68 [SHRAP] Cptfive
26 68 Shmmm
27 68 MENGQI
28 66 Umbrita
29 64 Aegon
30 64 Imbera
31 63 xLongsky
32 63 0x1f33…4f6f
33 62 creepitz
34 62 Menoall
35 62 0x48e8…8658
36 62 Zbuzheng
37 61 100xCesar
38 61 Milkman
39 61 Sigilich
40 59 Nemesis
41 57 PheonX
42 56 Champion
43 56 Emptypencils
44 55 0xcbc0…e0b1
45 56 [KUVA] Killerkool
46 55 Arkham
47 55 Only
48 55 TBYoder
49 55 PSYQUI
50 54 [SHRAP] MikeBen

Please make sure to set your Unioverse email so we can notify you of tournament status and prizes.

Live Finals Event

August 3rd, 2024 (exact time TBD)
3-hour live streamed event, hosted by Community Gaming.

Watch the livestream now.

The top 32 Players from the Open Qualifier will be invited to a live tournament hosted by our partner, CommunityGaming.io. Using our tournament system, one match will be played at a time with commentary from the development team and guest hosts. 

During the live event, the finalists will be randomly assigned groups and play through brackets as follows, one match at a time:

This live event will include prizes randomly given out to viewers so tune in!

Please make sure to set your Unioverse email so we can notify you of tournament status and prizes.

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