Play Proving Grounds for Rewards

Wyeth Ridgway

To celebrate user-created levels in the Proving Grounds and Hoverdrome, we are adding new features and prizes for playing and creating!

Everything is free-to-play so download and play now!

How it Works

Play the Boss Trials mode to grind for Protens and earn Metadata achievements for Unioverse Heroes. Spend Protens to play the Community Tournament, with a whopping 1M+ Proten jackpot! Then go Create a Level and submit it to Discord for Level of the Week. If your level is selected you will get Protens and $UNIO!

Don’t forget, Protens can be converted to UNIO during community Nexus events

Boss Trials

This is the classic Proving Grounds speed run, with a random layout each week. Master the layout and each of the playable heroes as you run, shoot and parkour your way to defeat the data room guardian. You will earn Protens for each run you complete, with a bonus for owning a Unioverse hero NFT when you play. Top the leaderboard to get the Proving Grounds Champion career badge on your hero.

Look for tips and tricks on youtube.

Community Tournament

Using the level creation tools, the community can build “Only Up” style speed runs limited only by your imagination. Each week a community-created level is featured in this mode. Practice FREE all you want, but you need to pay Protens for each run you attempt. Fight for a rank on the weekly highscore board to compete for prizes!

Weekly Prizes

Each week, the prize pool is seeding with 1 Million Protens and goes up based on play. First place gets 10% of the final pool, as does the creator of the featured level. Second place gets 9%, third place gets 8% and so on.. But everyone in the top 100 gets some of the payout.

You can also gain the Weekly Challenge Champion career metadata badge in this mode.

Create a Level

Once you have mastered the Proving Grounds, take a stab at building your own level using the in-game level creator. You can spend Protens to unlock additional building blocks, and we recently increased the number of blocks to 1,000 to really push the limits of imagination. 

Once you save your level to the server, submit it to Discord where anyone can play using your level code.

Weekly Prizes

If your level is selected as the featured level of the week, you will get 10% of the Proten pool and 50,000 $UNIO.


In the weeks ahead, we will be rolling out new features to user-created levels, to expand the variety of play. We are also building new systems to automatically reward players with random treasury NFTs and more. 

Check back here for updates!

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